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Safeguarding & Wellbeing



The KWS Team specialises in SEMH for secondary-aged children. We endeavour to make a sustainable difference to the lives of young people. We believe that with a safe and nurturing environment comes positivity, the ability to thrive and the reward of contentment. The KWS team works strongly together, and with other agencies and the wider community. We are committed to knowing our staff, students and their families, and ensuring their physical and emotional safety. We offer daily support, to ensure that each and every person has the tools they need to be, or to become, the best version of themselves. Where further support, advice or guidance may be needed we refer in a timely manner to outside agencies and monitor and support the provision they deliver.

We will:

  • Keep the children at the centre of every decision.
  • Keep staff awareness and understanding of symptoms and indicators of the four types of abuse current.
  • Ensure all staff are fully trained and compliant with government expectations.
  • Refer internally and externally according to our policies and in a timely manner.
  • Respond to any concern, within school or contextual, as per the guidance in Keeping Children Safe in Education, and Working together to Safeguard Children.
  • Build strong relations with families and outside agencies to provide the optimal support for our young people.